New versions and updates 

3GO POS is constantly evolving. We provide regular updates.

These updates provide new features and improve existing features.

3GO provides an annual update contract that makes it possible to enjoy these improvements.

The current version is 27.01, if you don’t have this version yet, please contact your dealer who will help you with pleasure.

More informations..

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Contact us

For our 3GO POS products - 3GO POS HORECA - Easy Etiq 

Free Support :

Technical Support is free to the version being marketed at this moment, for 15 requests. The 3GO software which you ask a question about must simply be registered with our services.

Contacting Free Technical Support by email :

For 3GOPOS, before contacting the free technical support, we advise you to consult the user manual of the software, which often contains the answer to the question you ask.

3GO Soft 

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